Leaders: Show A Little Love

Summary lead. || Photo Credit.

Hello friends, colleagues and clients. This post is coming from a more reflective side, but wanted to take a moment to talk about love. Yes, it’s the holiday season, and I’m feeling it. But it’s also about passion, gratitude and deep appreciation as we round the corner to December 31st, 2020. 

I’ve been in the workforce for 20+ years and never have I seen a team work as hard as it has as at RED VELVET in 2020. But I know it’s not just our team - it’s almost everywhere I look. Restaurants, retailers, banks, grocery stores, private consultants, teachers, front-line workers of all types, fledgling new businesses are all HUSTLING. All of us are trying to survive this year, knowing this ‘marathon’ we steeled ourselves against has become an ironman of sorts. Only the strong WILL survive, but what does that even mean now? So much is beyond our collective control that it’s hard to say those businesses that don’t make it weren’t “strong”. Perhaps they took a risk and the timing was off? Perhaps they didn’t have the foresight to save their pennies for a rainy day? Maybe a critical staff member got sick? Or maybe they happened to be in an industry that depended on people being physically together to thrive? We know the latter too well, don’t we? 

Regardless of any of those situations, I want to talk about the people, because as leaders, we are nothing without them. Nothing. Especially when our employees show up to work everyday, earnestly giving their best and perhaps not expecting as much in return knowing that this year, there’s less to go around. I have been blown away by the passion and dedication from our team who do this. Sacrifice feels like a loaded word, but that’s the word that comes to mind - because sacrifice they have - for the good of each other and the company. They are inspiring, tenacious and bullish. They are human too, so are processing the fatigue just like everyone else, but the optimism is contagious. They have unrelenting hope, and it’s felt. 

I’ve found myself thinking recently: “what truly motivates them to do all this?” Surely a paycheck. But it seems to be so much more than that. I’ve come to believe it’s partially about knowing that they are a part of something bigger. That we’re building something together, even amidst a pandemic. That there’s gold on the other side of this rainbow (after the rain stops, right?) and the gold takes on many forms besides just the monetary. There’s a pride to being a part of a team that overcomes a challenge. (And speaking of challenge, that’s why many of them were drawn to this business in the first place, including yours truly). We do as much as we can to show our appreciation for our team. Earnest thank you’s go a long way, but so do opportunities for time off, small gifts and both internal and external recognition of their hard work. We’ve pulled in favors from partners and colleagues in the business to help us show the love (and have in turned been pulled in to do the same for others - it’s a barter system well worth being a part of!). 

What motivates YOUR team? What ways can you show them you appreciate them? We’ve been fortunate enough this year to be tapped by several companies who want to show their appreciation to their staff and workforce - knowing just as we do, that they are crucial to our success - for appreciation gifts, virtual happy hours and celebrations. We’re not talking about gigantic parties here. They are intimate, customized and designed to bring nothing but joy to the employee. These have been what I call “bright spot” programs this year, because they focus on gratitude, and because, well, doesn’t everyone need as much of that as possible right now? And while we’re not in the habit of judging clients for what they do or don’t do (and in this case, it may be “can” and “can’t do”), we couldn’t help but be touched by the generosity of those who’ve put their employees at the center and taken the time and resources to show them how much they mean. [Side note, this has also created opportunities for us to incorporate other small businesses into the cycle as well; we always prefer to do this however and whenever we can. That feels pretty damn good too.] 

2020 will soon be past us, but as we prepare to close out on a [insert word or phrase of your choice] year, think about how you’ll show your employees how much you appreciate everything they do for you, their colleagues and their company. 2021 will have its own set of challenges, and you’ll rely on your team to stay strong and steady. At the end of the day, it’s ALL about the people. Give ‘em the best you’ve got.

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