The Pink Piece: What Barbie Models for Brand Experiences

Margot Robbie as Barbie in the new Barbie Movie, 2023 || JAAP BUITENDIJK/WARNER BROS

As Barbie continues to take the world by storm, we have actively participated and simultaneously watched in wonder, awe and admiration as the marketing campaign of the century self-perpetuates. 

Could it be the timing? Perhaps we all needed this feel-good (while feeling deep) piece to take front and center for a spell. Some would say it is a welcome respite after months of recession talk, preceded by months of coronavirus reporting amidst the never-ending political chatter. Perhaps we all, too, needed a bit of fun, and a moment to reflect in our own way about important social and cultural themes that lie beneath the surface of other more flashy subjects that capture mass attention in headlines.

Regardless, we say yes, yes, yes and yes (insert all the basic girl comments but honestly we just can’t help ourselves, ok?). And as experiential marketers, it is like manna from heaven because it is the kind of work we love doing and it is KEY to Barbie’s marketing campaign. Everywhere one looks these days, they see pink, and it is good. It is positive, optimistic and hopeful and we feel it, meme it, see it and touch it. Here are a few quick hit favorites:

Have you googled “Barbie”?

How about Margot Robbie, the actress who plays Barbie? Your screen’s likely been doused with sparkly pink stars that sprinkle the page before they fade out, leaving a pink sheen in their wake. What a delight! Notable: Ryan Gosling’s page is also pink, but gets no sparkle - suppose this is on brand for Ken.

We love that Barbie meets its fans where they are, all to get us amped before and after heading to theaters: Googling movie showtimes, getting one last look at the trailers, and even searching for the nearest place to buy a Barbie doll of their own (yes, we’re guilty of the latter).

And how about your local movie theater?

The Alamo Drafthouse near the RV HQ threw a Barbieland Mixer the night before launch, consisting of all things Barbie, including cocktails, multiple photo ops such as the Barbie box and pink cars, treats, nails, jewels, pink cowboy hats and more fun Barbie-themed activations.

Happy to see movie theaters are making a comeback and there’s no doubt about the role of experiential marketing in their rise from the ashes. Safe to say we’re all craving a bit of nostalgia and genuine human connection, plus with the 200+ streaming services available to us, thinking through the theater-going experience is more important than ever.

Did you catch the Pink Sauce at Burger King in Brazil?

Some may say gross. We say genius. Take a guess as to what the topic of conversation could have been when a group of friends sit down to eat their shockingly pink burgers.... BARBIE, that’s what. And we are always up for a pink frosted donut.

Who doesn’t want to stay at Barbie's dreamhouse in Malibu?

Well, you can, thanks to Airbnb with some insane interior design by Nigerian-American Victoria Adesanmi. Along those lines, HGTV and Walmart hosted a four-week challenge to build your own. We want in on this... Whew, are we glad to hear the pink paint shortage was short-lived!

In 2023, Barbie and her pals come in all shapes, sizes and colors (as well they should).

The most important takeaway from the Barbie movie is that we’re ALL Barbie (or Ken. Sometimes Allan.) So, Hally lets us get expressive with color stix in pink, blue and purple with extra accessories of course to enhance and unleash our inner Barbies. Yes please! 

What Barbie Models for Brand Experiences

This may come as no surprise, but the word on the street now is something to the tune of 100+ brands vied for partnerships with Barbie…. If that isn’t success, we don’t know what is. 

Both the Barbie movie and the marketing campaign behind it is creating a sense of community/belonging with ones’ partners - whatever that looks like for you - and modeling that encourages everyone else to do the same. Even if brands weren't "officially" partnered with Barbie to incorporate it into their marketing efforts, what Barbie modeled by collaborating with brands people already know and love made everyone "want in." That’s why we’re seeing all these brilliant and organic little campaigns and activations pop up. 

We don’t need to say it, but we will; Barbie will go down in history for being one of the best case stories for how experiential marketing enhanced the customer experience, deepened the brand’s relationships with its fans, and most notably, drove sales to new heights. This is experiential marketing at its finest. Don’t you feel inspired? We sure do. 

Hope we’ll get to make some magic like this together soon and
look forward to hearing from you.


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